Friday, April 27, 2018


1.   State one disadvantage a historian is likely to experience by relying on genetics for Historical information. (1mk)
2.      Name one coastal Bantu group.  (1mk)
3.      Give two political roles of Orkoiyot among the Nandi.(2 mks)
4.      State two similarities in the social organization of the Ameru and the Abagusii.        (2 mks)
5.      Give two reasons why Seyyid Said moved his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar.       (2 mks)
6.      Give one reason why the Akamba were the most famous long distance traders before 1950 (1mk)
7.      Name the relevant sources of child rights in Kenya.(2 mks)
8.      State two ways in which direct democracy is exercised in Kenya.         (2 mks
9.      Give the main reason for the signing of the Heligo land Treaty.(1 mk)
10. Give two benefits of starting independent schools to Africans during the colonial period.(2 mks)
11. Name the fourth vice president of the republic of Kenya.(1 mk)
12. Highlight two challenges facing the health sector in Kenya today.      
(2 mks)
13. State the main reason why KADU was formed.(1 mk)
14. State two ways in which a person can become a member of parliament in Kenya.(2 mks)
15. Which is the main body mandated to manage land in Kenya.(1 mk)
16. Give the main objective of devolution in Kenya.(1 mk)
17.    State one subordinate court in Kenya.(1 mk)


a.     Identify five reasons for the migration of Cushites from their original homeland into
Kenya in the 19th century.(5 mks)
b.       Describe the social organization of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period.       (10 mks)
a.     State three factors that led to rise and growth of city states along the coast of East Africa.  (3 mks)
b.       Explain six results of the Devon Shire paper of 1923.(12 mks)
a.     State three methods that were used by the colonial government to acquire land for
European settlers.(3 mks)                                                  
b.      Explain six contributions of Seyyid Said in the development of trade along the East
African coast in the 19th century.(12 mks)
a.     State five problems faced by KADU in the struggle for independence.(5 mks)
b.      Explain five roles played by the women in the struggle for independence in Kenya.(10 mks)


a.     State three ways in which one can become a Kenyan citizen by birth.
(3 mks)
b.       Explain six civic responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen.(12 mks)

a.     Name three symbols of National Unity in Kenya.      (3 mks)
b.       Describe six functions of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of Kenya.     (12 mks)

a.     Give five functions of the county government in Kenya.  (10 mks)
b.     Discuss six ways in which the National Government relates with the county governments.          
(12 mks)

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